Saturday, October 5, 2013


This is my Witches' Handbook that I made in 2010.....

In California I scrapped with three other gals. We had scrapped together for a few years. We always had so much fun. Each week we would go to one of our houses, scrapped in the morning, would break for lunch, (lunch would be done by who's ever house we were at) and then scrap the rest of the afternoon. Our husbands knew not to expect dinner that night. Tuesdays were our "FREE" day. Our play day. And boy did we play. We always hated to stop!

From time to time we would "challenged" each other with an idea of a type of project or book to make. Well this was the challenge for the month of September 2010. Of the four of us, only two of us decided to take the challenge. Well this was going to be interesting. The reason was because I was in the process of moving to the other side of the United States, to North Carolina. Because I was busy packing and getting ready to make the move, my book was going to be made in NC.

Now if you go to the link I am going to give you, you will see why this was so interesting. My friend in CA was making her book and I was making mine. Neither one of us saw each others' book until they were completed. All we could do is laugh! Although our styles are different there are similarities in our books. We had gotten the idea for this book from Sumerset Magazine 2010. The original book was made by Georgiann Carlson. It intrigued us so much that we both thought it would be fun to make, and it was! Our imaginations ran wild as you can see.

Hope you enjoyed a little scary nonsense.............BOO!

1 comment:

  1. Kandy... Looking back at these little witching books makes me want to make another. Are you going to teach this class back there this year? I love all of the similar ideas we had with the family photos, potions, witch crafts, plans for flight. Great minds think alike! Happy scrappin my friend.
