Monday, August 5, 2013

A Book About Charlie

I found this old book with the dogs on the cover.

I like using the inside cover pages when ever possible.

I had planned to make a book for myself and my dog Sophie. While making the book it became clear that it had to be for my neighbor and her dog Charlie. Charlie is a chocolate lab. Charlie is a girl. She is now 60lbs and 8 months old. She is darling.This book came together so easily. The colors and the layout have colors that make you happy. Here are a few of the inside pages. I used stamps, charms, ribbons, flowers and all sorts of goodies. Hope you enjoy looking at the book. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hi Kandy!
    It looks as we both have blogs! I can see you are one creative lady. Scrapbooking takes so much time and effort and you are very talented at what you do. So glad to connect here and on FB,

    1. Thanks Kathy,it was so nice to hear from you. I've been making my altered books for some time now. I have enjoyed participating in craft shows and have sold many of them. I also have entered them in competitions and won a couple of ribbons at the North Carolina State Fair last year. It is my therapy! Love love love making them. Stay in touch. Thanks for stopping by!
