Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Home from Californina

Well, I'm back. It was such an emotional trip. Sad to leave NC, glad to see the grandkids and daughter, sad wishing for more days, glad to see my dear friends, sad to say Good Bye and glad to be home. Boy, am I tired.

Now back to business, in the following days I will be showing a project I started while in California with my crafty pals. We challenge each other all the time with new project to work on together and share ideas. We have such a great time. It really makes us better at what we do. Each year we do a "25 Days of Christmas" album, journal whatever you want to call it. This year we took an idea seen in the holiday edition of Sumerset. We tweaked it a bit to fit each of our own styles. They other girls have already started putting their version of this project on their blog. Now because I am a little behind, you will be getting 3=4 of them at a time until I get caught up. So hang in there with me, and then try your hand at your version of this project and see how much fun you have with it. Our minds went wild!!! Some ideas took longer than other only because a couple of us {and you know who you are...} worked into the wee hours of about 4:15AM just because we got so involved in our work.

So here are my pictures of this years "25 Days of Christmas"...."Ooooooo Ruldof the Red Nose Reindeer, had a very shiny nose"..............{it's spelled wrong on purpose, you had to be there}...smile.

First, I finished a project that was started in 2008. My friend Terri gave us each this shadow box. She had started by putting paper on it and decided to give it to us to finish it the way we saw it. This is my version. Terri, do you remember this? It has the most adorable poem in it. I love the way it came out. Thanks again Terri.......smile.....


  1. Ruldoff the red nosed reindeer had a very shiney nose! OMG........so much fun we had. I miss you Kandy and I am counting the days till I see you again.
    I still have my frame from Terri! Love It!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Oh my gosh... I totally forgot about those! I never did make one for myself! Think I'll have to because that goofy poem still makes me laugh. SO TRUE. We've all got enough crap!
    Oh Kandy- it was so wonderful with you here. It seemed like you'd never been gone and we all just picked up right where we left off...
    Hope to get to beautiful North Carolina this year to visit you guys- I'm just afraid I might love it too and not want to go back to California!
    Merry Christmas to you, my sweet friend- I'm so blessed to have you girls in my life. May we all have many more to come. xoxoxoxTerri
