Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thinking about the next holiday?

Are you thinking about the next holiday? I am. I LOVE Halloween. My kids never really caught on to it. I still get dressed in costume and go trick-or-treating to this day. Now I go with my grandkids. We have so much fun. One year I almost got "hurt" by going out while all the trick-or-treaters were out. I was following three young girls, about 13 years old, just trying to blend in. Well, that didn't work, I quess I scared them because they thought I was following just them. When they saw me behind them after awhile they turned and started hitting me with their bags of candy. Being older girls they didn't have just a small little treat bag, no, they were carrying pillow cases filled with candy. Well, I got hit by one of the bags and decided it was time for me to go home. I will go out again this year. Not telling you what I am going as, I may show up at YOUR door!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Favorite Time of the Year!!!

     Well, we made it through the storm that Irene brought. Hope we don't get too many more of those this season. I love that we are moving into FALL. I love this season.
     Today is Tuesday, yea! I love Tuesdays. The Scrappy Girls get together on Tuesdays and we crop ALL day long. So much fun. Our husbands have learned that they are on their own for dinner on Tuesdays because sometimes we don't even take the time to fix dinner. That alone makes Tuesdays a fun day.
     Last Tuesday we worked on collages. We work together on the same thing but we all have a different theme. We talk and gossip. We laugh and cry. We sing and dance, well maybe we don't sing (thank goodness) but we will dance once in awhile. We had a great time, always do. Thanks to skype I get to still take part in the insanity of it all.
     Today is one of the girls' birthday. We will party all day. I mean we will really party. We have lunch and cake.  There will be party favors and hats. We have presents for her and of course we will take lots of pictures. And then we will try to scrap for a little while but not get anything done. That's part of it.
     Just read Lisa Pace's blog and she had a wonderful quote on there:
                                          Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But
                                         other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure
                                         that your most important decision ofthe day simply consists
                                         of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow.
                                              Author, Douglas Pagels; These Are The Gifts I'd
                                                   Like To Give To You
    Love that!

                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY TERRI........MISS YOU........SMILE..........


School is it's our time

The kids are in school now so I will be posting more I hope. My husband retired last May and that's when we decided to make the move to North Carolina. We didn't move just because he retired, we had always wanted to leave California for a change of pace. But the real reason we came to NC was because our grandchildren moved here with their parents about 5 yeas ago. The oldest one is 7 years and his brothers are 5 years old now. They are TWINS. IDENTICAL TWINS. We had wanted to see what twins were all about. So for the last year we have watched them 4 days a week until school started. They are in kindergarden. School started last Thursday for them. They were all excited. We miss them but we are now looking forward to our retirement and our free time together.